Saturday, August 22, 2020

Using the Spanish Verb Venir

Utilizing the Spanish Verb Venir Venir is a typical Spanish action word with an assortment of implications. Luckily, huge numbers of them can be interpreted utilizing the English action word to come, which likewise has various implications. Venir is a cousin of English - vent words, for example, design and community too of setting and venire (a lawful term). Remember that venirâ is conjugated unpredictably, having structures, for example, vengo (I come) and vendrn (they will come). Utilizing Venir To Refer to Coming From a Place Most regularly, venir is utilized to discuss coming to or showing up at a spot: Cuando yo vine a California fui a Disneylandia. (At the point when I came to California, I went to Disneyland.)Venimos en transport con un maestro y pagamos por nuestro transporte. (We dropped by transport with an instructor and paid for our own transportation.)Tenà ­a sã ³lo un aã ±o cuando vino desde Espaã ±a. (He was just a year old when he originated from Spain.) ¡Ven aquã ­! (Come here!)No vienen hasta las 14.30. (They arent coming until 2:30 p.m.) In setting, venir can pass on returning or returning: No vengas a mã ­. (Tã ­tulo de canciã ³n) (Dont return to me. (tune title))Es importante que vengas temprano. (Its significant you return early.) Utilizing Venir To Point Out Qualities Venir can intend to incorporate, to be, or to have, regularly in a way that can be made an interpretation of by to come: El preliminary iPad no viene con webcam. (The first iPad doesnt accompany (incorporate) a webcam.)Estas bicicletas vienen de Surinam. (These bikes are (originate) from Suriname.)El à ºnico que viene con excusas eres tã º. (The one in particular who accompanies (has) pardons is you.)Las servilletas vienen en distintos tamaã ±os. (The napkins come (are) in various sizes.)Viene en caja sellada. (It comes (is) in a fixed box.) Particularly when utilized with bien or mal, venir can be utilized to show reasonableness: No ser muy famoso me viene bien. (Not being acclaimed approves of me.)A ningã ºn paã ­s le viene mal la globalizaciã ³n. (Globalization doesnt serve any nation poorly.)Al libro le venã ­a bien la promociã ³n. (The advancement was useful for the book.) Utilizing Venir With a Gerund Venir can be utilized as a helper action word with the ing word (otherwise called the current participle) to demonstrate a proceeding with activity, regularly in an inexorably extreme way. Hace mucho tiempo que se viene hablando de la necesidad de una nueva constituciã ³n. (The requirement for another constitution has been discussed and discussed for a long time.)El presidente viene sufriendo derrota tras derrota. (The president keeps on enduring destruction after defeat.)El chofer del camiã ³n venã ­a hablando por telã ©fono. (The truck driver continued chatting on a telephone.)â Utilizing Venirse The reflexive structure, venirse, similar to the standard structure, can intend to originate from a spot. In any case, it puts more accentuation on where the thing or individual has originated from. La rumba se vino de Miami. (The rumba originated from Miami. La rumba vino de Miami may be deciphered a similar way, yet making the action word reflexive points out additional Miami, maybe on the grounds that the reality of the sentence might be surprising.)Los turistas se vienen de otros paã ­ses. (The voyagers are originating from different countries.)Necesitaremos agua por quã © nos venimos del desierto. (We will require water since we are originating from the desert.) The reflexive can likewise recommend that the action words activity was abrupt or startling: Time lo primero que se vino a cabeza. (It was the main thing that came to mind.)Otra hipã ³tesis es que el puente se vino abajo por la fragilidad de sus pilares. (Another hypothesis is that the scaffold descended in light of the delicacy of its pillars.)Los vientos se vinieron de un solo golpe. (The breezes came unexpectedly in a solitary blow.) Key Takeaways Venir can as a rule be made an interpretation of as to come, regardless of whether it is utilized to mean originating from a spot or to have a certain quality.Venir can be utilized with ing words to show consistent action.The reflexive venirse can be utilized to underline the beginnings of where somebody is coming from or to underscore the suddenness of an activity.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Reimagining the University Experience

Reimagining the University Experience It’s Time to Reimagine the University Experience It’s Time to Reimagine the University Experience University as an obligation For far too many students, the university experience is something they feel obligated to participate in. A right of passage after 12 years of elementary and secondary education they must go through in order for future employers to take them seriously. The truth of the matter is (and a plethora of research backs this up), work experience is often more important than your degree. While you certainly aren’t going to be heading up the cardiology department of a hospital without having been accepted to, and completed medical school, and you aren’t going to be testing any bridges’ structural integrity without an engineering degree, most undergraduate degrees are more symbolic than they are practical, as far as employers are concerned. The takeaway from all of that, however, should not be that school is useless. Quite the contrary. It should be that there is much more to school than a few extra letters on your resume, and a four-year extended vacation. Keeping the below thoughts in mind will hopefully help you conceptualize your university experience for the better, and get more out of it that you ever thought possible. Learning to read and write critically Or, as it was put in a 2012 Evolllution article by Andres Fortino, “the creation of prepared minds.” A prepared mind is not just one that is ready to compete (in a credential wars sense) in the current labour market, but one which fully understands the world, the scope of its problems, the history surrounding them, and has the ability to weigh, filter, and dismiss information critically and efficiently. Most of these skills are imparted through critical reading and writing practice. When you enter university, if you enter with no other discernible goals, enter with the desire to become a better reader and writer. This is especially salient in your humanities courses, of which you will probably be asked to take at least a couple. When you enter into a course in communication, history, philosophy, or political science, go in with the goal of not necessarily walking away an encyclopedia of knowledge (though that is always to your benefit). Go in wanting to hone your ability to express yourself and engage with arguments, opinions, and information in general. Being able to fully articulate yourself with ease, and engage with and interrogate complex information, are skills which will deepen and improve your life experience. Learn from others (especially people who inspire you) Another layer of your overall university experience should be the knowledge you gain from others. You will never be surrounded by as many intelligent, interesting, life-altering people as you are during your university education. People from all over the world, from all walks of life, with experience and information to impart will be around every corner. That’s not to say you are going to become friends with every single person you meet, or that everyone you come into contact with is even going to be willing to give you the time of day, but if you approach your postsecondary career as an opportunity to learn from the unique life experiences of others (both their successes and mistakes), you will emerge a more complete person. The 19th century German statesman and political genius Otto von Bismarck said “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” Pay attention to what does not work for the people around you, as much as you do their successes, and learn to avoid their mistakes. You can better yourself immensely by looking for lessons in others’ actions, accomplishments, and failures. Once you get out into the real world (which your four-year undergraduate program decidedly is not), the punishment for making mistakes and, more importantly, failing to learn from them, grows exponentially. University is about finding meaning Theologian Frederick Buechner stated that your vocation lies “where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Spend your university experience finding that intersection, and nothing you do will have been a waste of time. University, in that sense, is about following leads. Don’t pursue pleasure, but instead pursue anything that makes you feel like you are doing something important with your time, and for which you feel there is a market demand. It is hard to say anything about the meaning of life without sounding painfully quaint, but many of history’s most incredible minds, from Aristotle to Kant, have contended that a life well-lived is a life with personal meaning. If you begin your university experience on one track, only to realize a year later that your interests and what brings personal meaning to your life are taking you down a completely different one, don’t be afraid to follow it. If you start off thinking you’re going to major in English literature, but figure out after two years that what you really are interested in is wildlife conservation and web design, start planning the rest of your education around marrying these two disciplines and brainstorming ways to make it part of your future. Many students, depressingly, attend university under false pretenses. They are convinced that it’s an easy ticket to a middle-class lifestyle; they are convinced it will make their family proud of them; they are convinced they owe it to parents who have worked hard to provide it for them. While there may be a sense of duty or socioeconomic ambition involved in your decision to attend university, it should, by no means, be the only reason you are there. At the end of the day, what you get out of your education is based on individual effort. If your education is a four-year party, then that’s what it will be. If it’s an excuse to postpone finding meaning, then it can be that too. If you are struggling to find out how to make the most of your university experience, get in touch with Homework Help Global and lets us help free up some time by assigning one of our professional academic essay writers to your coursework. References: (2013). “Why Gaining Work Experience is More Important Than Your Education.” Huffington Post. Retrieved from: Beres, D. (2018). “Four Ways to Find Meaning in Life.” Big Think. Retrieved from: 4-ways-to-find-meaning-in-life Fortino, A. (2018). “The Purpose of Higher Education: To Create Prepared Minds.” The Evolllution. Retrieved from: Von Bismarck, O. (2018). “Only a Fool Learns From His Own Mistakes. The Wise Man Learns From the Mistakes of Others.” Good Reads. Retrieved from: 294225-only-a-fool-learns-from-his-own-mistakes-the-wise Reimagining the University Experience It’s Time to Reimagine the University Experience It’s Time to Reimagine the University Experience University as an obligation For far too many students, the university experience is something they feel obligated to participate in. A right of passage after 12 years of elementary and secondary education they must go through in order for future employers to take them seriously. The truth of the matter is (and a plethora of research backs this up), work experience is often more important than your degree. While you certainly aren’t going to be heading up the cardiology department of a hospital without having been accepted to, and completed medical school, and you aren’t going to be testing any bridges’ structural integrity without an engineering degree, most undergraduate degrees are more symbolic than they are practical, as far as employers are concerned. The takeaway from all of that, however, should not be that school is useless. Quite the contrary. It should be that there is much more to school than a few extra letters on your resume, and a four-year extended vacation. Keeping the below thoughts in mind will hopefully help you conceptualize your university experience for the better, and get more out of it that you ever thought possible. Learning to read and write critically Or, as it was put in a 2012 Evolllution article by Andres Fortino, “the creation of prepared minds.” A prepared mind is not just one that is ready to compete (in a credential wars sense) in the current labour market, but one which fully understands the world, the scope of its problems, the history surrounding them, and has the ability to weigh, filter, and dismiss information critically and efficiently. Most of these skills are imparted through critical reading and writing practice. When you enter university, if you enter with no other discernible goals, enter with the desire to become a better reader and writer. This is especially salient in your humanities courses, of which you will probably be asked to take at least a couple. When you enter into a course in communication, history, philosophy, or political science, go in with the goal of not necessarily walking away an encyclopedia of knowledge (though that is always to your benefit). Go in wanting to hone your ability to express yourself and engage with arguments, opinions, and information in general. Being able to fully articulate yourself with ease, and engage with and interrogate complex information, are skills which will deepen and improve your life experience. Learn from others (especially people who inspire you) Another layer of your overall university experience should be the knowledge you gain from others. You will never be surrounded by as many intelligent, interesting, life-altering people as you are during your university education. People from all over the world, from all walks of life, with experience and information to impart will be around every corner. That’s not to say you are going to become friends with every single person you meet, or that everyone you come into contact with is even going to be willing to give you the time of day, but if you approach your postsecondary career as an opportunity to learn from the unique life experiences of others (both their successes and mistakes), you will emerge a more complete person. The 19th century German statesman and political genius Otto von Bismarck said “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” Pay attention to what does not work for the people around you, as much as you do their successes, and learn to avoid their mistakes. You can better yourself immensely by looking for lessons in others’ actions, accomplishments, and failures. Once you get out into the real world (which your four-year undergraduate program decidedly is not), the punishment for making mistakes and, more importantly, failing to learn from them, grows exponentially. University is about finding meaning Theologian Frederick Buechner stated that your vocation lies “where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Spend your university experience finding that intersection, and nothing you do will have been a waste of time. University, in that sense, is about following leads. Don’t pursue pleasure, but instead pursue anything that makes you feel like you are doing something important with your time, and for which you feel there is a market demand. It is hard to say anything about the meaning of life without sounding painfully quaint, but many of history’s most incredible minds, from Aristotle to Kant, have contended that a life well-lived is a life with personal meaning. If you begin your university experience on one track, only to realize a year later that your interests and what brings personal meaning to your life are taking you down a completely different one, don’t be afraid to follow it. If you start off thinking you’re going to major in English literature, but figure out after two years that what you really are interested in is wildlife conservation and web design, start planning the rest of your education around marrying these two disciplines and brainstorming ways to make it part of your future. Many students, depressingly, attend university under false pretenses. They are convinced that it’s an easy ticket to a middle-class lifestyle; they are convinced it will make their family proud of them; they are convinced they owe it to parents who have worked hard to provide it for them. While there may be a sense of duty or socioeconomic ambition involved in your decision to attend university, it should, by no means, be the only reason you are there. At the end of the day, what you get out of your education is based on individual effort. If your education is a four-year party, then that’s what it will be. If it’s an excuse to postpone finding meaning, then it can be that too. If you are struggling to find out how to make the most of your university experience, get in touch with Homework Help Global and lets us help free up some time by assigning one of our professional academic essay writers to your coursework. References: (2013). “Why Gaining Work Experience is More Important Than Your Education.” Huffington Post. Retrieved from: Beres, D. (2018). “Four Ways to Find Meaning in Life.” Big Think. Retrieved from: 4-ways-to-find-meaning-in-life Fortino, A. (2018). “The Purpose of Higher Education: To Create Prepared Minds.” The Evolllution. Retrieved from: Von Bismarck, O. (2018). “Only a Fool Learns From His Own Mistakes. The Wise Man Learns From the Mistakes of Others.” Good Reads. Retrieved from: 294225-only-a-fool-learns-from-his-own-mistakes-the-wise

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Negro Digs Up His Past By Arthur Schomburg - 1549 Words

The article â€Å"The Negro Digs Up His Past’’ by Arthur schomburg on 1925, elaborates more on the struggles of slavery as well as how history tend to be in great need of restoration through mindfully exploring on the past. The article, however started with an interesting sentence which caught my attention, especially when the writer says ‘’The American Negro must remark his past in order to make his future’’ (670). This statement according the writer, explains how slavery took away the great deal freedom from people of African descendant, through emancipation and also increase in diversity. The writer (Arthur Schomburg) however, asserts that â€Å"the negro has been throughout the centuries of controversy an active collaborator, and often a pioneer, in the struggle for his own freedom and advancement† (670). In other words, this tend to take a great vast amount of time for the society to understand the great importance of intelligence people of African descendant, who tend to be capable of, just as any other ethics group, alternatively, for many centuries this has not be recognized because of the fact that the continuation of hatred and segregation flourished continually not until current decades, thereby, causing a standstill to the the advancement of the Africans. It is observed that the historical happenings have a great negativity on the face of the society, which is yet to be fixed. And so, the belief behind, digging up the past, is all about ‘’telling the story of humanShow MoreRelatedRestoring the History of African Americans in The Negro Digs Up His Past by Arthur Schomburg1018 Words   |  4 Pages Why Dig up the Past? The Negro Digs Up His Past by Arthur Schomburg is an article he wrote in 1925, in which he complaint that somehow through the years African American history has been questioned and denied as many claim that Africans have no history at all. He uses this paper to illustrate the importance of recording the collective accomplishments of African Americans and that we must at all costs save any evidence, so that things like this do not happen again in the future. He wants to makeRead MoreThe Negro Digs Up His Past920 Words   |  4 Pagesthe years, whether it is fiction of facts. Living in a world, where only certain race can be seen as superior to others. Schomburg was a pioneer beyond his times. In the article â€Å"The Negro Digs up His Past†. The beginning of this essay revealed a powerful statement, â€Å"The American Negro must remake his past in order to make his future† (Arthur Schomburg). It is very clear, Schomburg realized the importance of being knowledgeable on your true history. â€Å"History must restore what slavery took away, forRead MoreThe Negro Digs Up His Past1700 Words   |  7 Pages Why Dig Up the Past? This article â€Å"The Negro Digs Up His Past’’ by Arthur schomburg on 1925, elaborates more on the struggles of slavery as well as how history tend to be in great need of restoration through mindfully exploring on the past. The article, however started with an interesting sentence which caught my attention, especially when the writer says ‘’The American Negro must remark his past in order to make his future’’ (670). This statement according theRead MoreWhat Was The Overall Impact Of The Harlem Renaissance1110 Words   |  5 Pagesand artist might build and in which the masses of African Americans could see themselves and are portrayed accurately and lovely. 26. What is the Schomburg Collection and where is it housed? The Schomburg Collection is located in NYC in Harlem as part of the New York Public Library. It is a major repository of African American material which Schomburg collected over the years and felt it necessary and preserving a sense of one’s history especially when one belongs to a group whose history and humanityRead MoreThe Legacy Of African Americans2130 Words   |  9 Pagestheir writings were a great end to the readings of the semester. It not only summed up the history of the time but also the means some Africans were taking to combat the false assumptions about Africans that had been held against them throughout history. These authors have collected any writing on the history of African Americans and used it to show the history, influence and great civilizations they have had in the past. They were attempting, through there research to find thier history to promote the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

All Human Being Are Creatures Of God And All Should Be...

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Conclusion All human being are creature of God and all should be treated equally irrespective of caste, color, sexual orientation, etc. Many people who understand the meaning of humanity are fighting for the rights of minorities, LGBT, women, children, etc. Creature of the God should be treated equally and shall not be discriminated by the dominant society. Many Treaties and Conventions are being enacted to curtail the discrimination against people and same should be agreed and signed by many countries but in reality same Conventions and Treaties is of no use and simply found as International agreement. The main reason behind this failure is lack of International Sanctions in case of fail to follow these Treaties and Convention at National level and another reason behind it was priority given to their local country laws. Further, in today era most of the countries having their own Constitution which is treated as a Grundnorm. Many countries having their own living document i.e. Constitution whi ch guarantees freedom and equality and prohibits the discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. There are the Union made at International level by different Countries and every country who signed that union must have to follow the International Treaties or Conventions for example in India, Constitution of India states that Notwithstanding anything in the forgoing

Night World Witchlight Chapter 18 Free Essays

string(69) " It took a long time for Mother Cybele to get them all quieted down\." The ride to Charlotte passed in a blur. All Keller could remember was hanging on while Nissa did some of the wildest driving she’d ever experienced. They went offroad for a good deal of the way. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Witchlight Chapter 18 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was one minute to midnight when they squealed into a parking lot in front of a long, low building. â€Å"Go in, go in!† Nissa said, slamming to a stop in front of a set of double doors. Keller and Galen and Winnie and Iliana ran. They burst into a large room that seemed very brightly lit. A sea of chairs with bodies sitting in them swam in front of Keller’s eyes. Then she focused on a platform at the front. â€Å"Come on,† she said tersely. There were a number of people sitting at a table on the platform, facing the audience just like any ordinary panel, with glasses of water and microphones in front of them. But Keller recognized some of the people as she got closer, and they were anything but ordinary. That little dumpling-shaped woman with the round face was Mother Cybele. Mother of all the Witches, just as Grandma Harman had been Crone. With Grandma Harman dead, she was the witches’ leader. The tall girl with the lovely features and the cafe au lait skin who sat beside her was Aradia. The blind Maiden of the Witches mentioned in the prophecies. And that regal-looking man with the golden hair and beard, sitting by the queenly woman with flashing green eyes†¦ They could only be the leaders of the First House of the shapeshifters. Galen’s mother and father. There were others, too, important people from Circle Daybreak, but Keller didn’t have time to focus on them. Mother Cybele was on her feet and speaking. She must have been a little short-sighted, because she didn’t appear to see Keller and the others coming up on the side. Her voice was slow and concerned. â€Å"I’m afraid that since it’s now past midnight-â€Å" Keller glanced at her watch. â€Å"It’s just midnight now!† Mother Cybele looked up, startled, over her glasses. Every head on the panel turned. And every face in the audience was suddenly fixed on Keller’s group. A low murmur like the humming of bees began, but it swelled very quickly to something like a muted roar. People were pointing openly as Keller ran up the steps to the stage. She glanced back at the others and realized why. They were a pretty sad-looking bunch. Every one of them was dirty and ragged. Winnie’s strawberry-blond hair was dark red with blood on one side. Galen’s sweater was in shreds. And she herself was filthy from the tunnel and all the dirt she’d encountered in the clearing. Only Diana looked reasonably clean, and that was probably because the glow kept you from focusing too closely. Mother Cybele gave a little cry of joy that sounded quite young, and she dropped the index cards she’d been holding. Aradia stood up, her beautiful blank eyes turned toward them, her entire face shining with joy. Galen’s parents looked extremely startled and relieved. But some guy in a dark suit grabbed Keller’s arm as she reached the top of the steps. â€Å"Who are you supposed to be?† he said. Keller shook him off and stood with her hair swirling around her. â€Å"We’re the people who’re bringing you the Wild Power,† she said. She spotted Nissa just coming in the door and beckoned to her. â€Å"And we’re also the ones who killed the dragon.† The big room fell so silent that you could have heard a paper clip drop. â€Å"Well, actually, she killed the dragon,† Keller said, pointing to Diana. Aradia said in a hushed voice, â€Å"The Witch Child. She’s come to us.† Iliana walked slowly up onto the stage and stood straight. â€Å"I didn’t kill it alone,† she said. â€Å"Everybody helped, and especially Keller and Galen.† Galen’s father’s golden eyebrows went up, and Galen’s mother gripped her husband’s arm. Keller glanced sideways at Galen and saw that he was blushing. â€Å"They fought it and fought it until they were both almost dead. But then, when I used the blue fire, they got better again.† She said it so simply, speaking to Mother Cybele alone, or so it seemed. She didn’t look in the least self-conscious, or in the least arrogant. I suppose she’s used to having everybody looking at her, Keller thought. Mother Cybele actually clasped her little soft hands together and shut her eyes. When she opened them again, they were shining with tears. But all she said was, â€Å"Welcome, my child. Grandma Harman’s last words were for you. She hoped you would find your power.† â€Å"She did,† Keller said. â€Å"Winnie helped her.† I didn’t help her do that,† Winnie said candidly. â€Å"What she did back there and what she said. I just tried to show her how to use the orange fire. But when she started talking-† She shook her curly head. â€Å"I don’t know where she got all that stuff about Hecate.† ‘It just came to me,† Iliana said. â€Å"I don’t know. It was as if somebody was saying it to me, and I was just repeating it.† But who could have said it? Keller thought. Who else but somebody who was there the first time, when the dragons were put to sleep? Who else but Hecate Witch-Queen herself? Even though she’d been dead thirty thousand years. It’s time for everything that’s sleeping to wake back up again. Keller realized that she was hearing a noise from the crowd. At first, she thought that they were muttering in disbelief again, or maybe in annoyance at these people who were standing on the stage and chattering. Then it got louder and louder, and she realized it was applause. People were clapping and cheering and whistling. It was echoing off the ceiling and walls. And just when Keller thought it couldn’t possibly get any louder, a new wave would come and prove her wrong. It took a long time for Mother Cybele to get them all quieted down. Then she turned to Keller and said formally, â€Å"So you’ve completed your mission?† Keller realized that it was a cue. And in the midst of the dizzy happiness she’d been feeling, something twisted in her heart. She kept it from showing on her face. She kept herself standing erect. â€Å"Yes,† she said to Mother Cybele. â€Å"I’ve brought the Witch Child.† She swallowed hard. â€Å"And here is the son of the First House of the shapeshifters,† Galen’s father said. He stepped over to Galen and took his hand. His face was stern but glowing with pride. Galen’s face was pale but set. He looked at Keller-for just one moment. And then he looked straight out at the audience with unseeing eyes. Mother Cybele looked toward Iliana. To take her hand, Keller supposed, and join it with Galen’s. But Iliana was holding some whispered conversation with Aradia. When she finally turned around, Iliana said, ‘1 want Keller to do it. She’s the one responsible for all this.† Keller blinked. Her throat was so swollen, it was impossible to swallow again. But she wouldn’t have thought it of Iliana. Really, it seemed so pointlessly cruel to make her do it. But maybe she doesn’t understand. That’s it, she doesn’t realize, Keller thought. She let out a careful, shaky breath and said, â€Å"Okay.† She reached for Diana’s hand- And felt a stab in her palm. She looked down, astonished. Iliana had a knife in that hand, a perfectly serviceable little knife. She had cut Keller with it, and Keller was bleeding. In fact, Iliana seemed to be bleeding, too. â€Å"Sorry,† Iliana hissed. â€Å"Ick, I hate blood.† Then, grabbing Keller’s hand again, she faced the audience and raised it up high. â€Å"There!† she said. â€Å"Now we’re blood sisters. And she’s already been like a sister to me, because she saved my life over and over. And if that’s not good enough for an alliance between the witches and the shapeshifters, I don’t know what is.† The entire audience gaped at her. Mother Cybele blinked rapidly. â€Å"Are you saying†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Galen’s father looked incredulous. â€Å"Are you saying that you won’t marry my son?† â€Å"I’m saying that she ought to marry your son- or promise to him, or whatever they want. She’s the one he’s in love with. And I don’t see why you should make him miserable for his whole life just because you want the shapeshifters tied to the witches. Keller and I are tied together, and we always will be. And Galen, too. Why can’t that be enough?† A sound was starting from the crowd again. Keller’s heart seemed to soar on it. But she was still staring at Iliana, afraid to believe. â€Å"But†¦ what if the witches don’t agree to it?† Galen’s father said feebly. Iliana stamped her foot She actually did. Tm the Witch Child. They’d better listen to me. I didn’t go through all of this for nothing.† Then the crowd was thundering applause even louder than before, and the wave seemed to sweep Keller right into Galen’s arms. Sometime later, in the middle of a lot of hugging and kissing, Keller whispered to Iliana, â€Å"Are you sure?† ‘Td better be sure, don’t you think? Or Galen’s going to be pretty upset.† â€Å"Iliana-â€Å" ‘Tm sure,† Iliana whispered. She squeezed Keller. â€Å"I really do care about him. I guess I’m sort of in love with him, too. But I saw. I saw his face in the clearing when he thought you were dead. And I heard the way he said your name. And then†¦ I knew, you know? The two of you were meant to be. So I’m sure.† â€Å"A leopard?† Galen’s mother said, shaking out her topaz-colored hair. â€Å"Why, dear, that’s wonderful. Your great-great-grandmother was a leopard.† â€Å"You gave up being a bird for me,† Keller whispered in his ear. â€Å"I think I could learn to like running,† he murmured, and took the chance to touch his lips to her cheek. â€Å"No, ma’am, I’m really sorry I woke you up,† Keller said. â€Å"Yes, ma’am, I do know how late it is.† She strained to hear the voice on the other end of the phone. She had a finger in her ear to try and block out the noise of the wild celebration around her, but it wasn’t doing much good. â€Å"Because I honestly don’t think it’s funny,† Diana’s mother said. â€Å"The baby is just fine; he’s been in his bed all night. Why would you think he wasn’t?† â€Å"Well, ma’am, it’s hard to explain†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"And now he’s awake, and he’s going to start crying-well, he’s not crying. But now he wants to eat the phone†¦ Alex!† A voice on the other end squealed and said distinctly, â€Å"Kee-kee!† â€Å"Yeah, it’s Kee-kee,† Keller said, startled. â€Å"Um, I’m glad you’re okay, kid. And, see, I didn’t go bye-bye after all. So you may think you’re pretty smart, but you still have something to learn about precognition, hotshot. Right?† Keller added, â€Å"You know I thought for a minute once that you might be the Wild Power. But I guess you’re just a good old-fashioned witch baby.† Diana, who was passing by, gave her a very strange look. â€Å"Keller, are you having a conversation with my baby brother?† â€Å"What exactly did the dragon say?† Mother Cybele asked anxiously. Although she looked like a big dove and her eyes were always kind, there was a firmness about her plump chin that Keller liked. â€Å"I asked who woke him up. And he said†-Keller reached for the exact words-â€Å"he said, ‘Someone you’ll never know. A witch who isn’t a witch. We made our own alliance.'† â€Å"A witch who isn’t a witch,† Mother Cybele repeated. Aradia’s face was sober. ‘I wonder who that could be. And where they are now.† Mother Cybele said quietly, â€Å"Time will tell.† â€Å"The police are already inside,† Nissa said, holding the cell phone to her ear as she talked to Keller. â€Å"I guess the kids at the party called them when they saw a panther. They’ve found the family†¦ Mr. and Ms. Ashton-Hughes and Jaime and Brett. They’re taking them to the hospital.† She snapped the phone shut. â€Å"We’d better send some witches to the hospital. But as long as they’re alive, they have a pretty good chance, don’t you think? After all, we’ve got a Wild Power with healing fire. Now, can’t you relax and try to enjoy yourself?† It was two days later. Keller was sitting in a sunny alcove in the safe house where Hiana and Galen and the others had been brought to protect them from the Night World. And to give them a chance to recover. It was nice to be still for a while. To sit and read†¦ and think. And it was even nicer to be able to do it with Galen around. He came in the door quietly-he always moved cat-quietly now. She smiled at him. He looked so wonderfully dear with his golden hair and fairytale looks and leopard-green eyes. â€Å"I wrote you a poem,† he said, sitting down beside her. â€Å"Well, no, that’s not true. I kind of stole what your mother wrote and made it into†¦ something. I don’t know what. But I think maybe it’s what she really meant to say, after all.† Keller blinked at him, then looked down at the piece of paper he gave her. People die†¦ so love them every day. Beauty fades†¦ so look before it’s gone. Love changes†¦ but not the love you give. And if you love, you’ll never be alone. â€Å"Actually, I was going to say, ‘And you will always be alone†¦ so don’t rely on others for your happiness, but don’t stop loving, either, because then you’ll end up empty and alone instead of alone and strong and able to give without worrying about what you’re going to get back.’ But that was kind of long, and it didn’t scan,† he said. Keller stared down at the paper blindly. â€Å"I’m sorry,† he said. â€Å"If you don’t like it-â€Å" Keller threw her arms around him, and her tears spilled over. â€Å"I’m going to burn the other one,† she said. â€Å"And I love you. Kiss me.† He grinned. â€Å"Yes, Boss.† And he did. One from the land of kings long forgotten; One from the hearth which still holds the spark; One from the Day World where two eyes are watching; One from the twilight to be one with the dark.. How to cite Night World : Witchlight Chapter 18, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Terrorism in India free essay sample

Terrorism In India The attacks on Indian Parliament and on Mumbai has left the people of India in a state of shock and fear for their life. The situation on Kashmir is still haunting the government and to add to the problems of Indian government is the recent attack on hotels in Mumbai killing many people including people from different nations. I think its time that India should follow a zero tolerance policy towards terrorism and the terrorists. The attack on Mumbai is â€Å"an attack on the spirit of India†. This nation is under attack. The scale, intensity and level of orchestration of terror attacks in Mumbai put one thing beyond doubt: India is effectively at war and it has deadly enemies in its midst. As in the case of the demolition of New Yorks World Trade Center in 2001, Mumbais iconic monuments have come under attack. The terrorists who carried out the attacks are armed to the teeth and extremely well-motivated. We will write a custom essay sample on Terrorism in India or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The question now is whether the nation can show any serious degree of resolve and coordination in confronting terror. This war can be won, but it will require something from the political class, from security forces and from ordinary people. Its time now to move beyond pointing fingers at one another. Its also time to end the habit of basing ones stand on terrorism on the particular religious affiliation of terrorists, criticizing or exonerating them using their religion [as] a point of reference. Terrorists have no religion. Political bickering on this issue is divisive; what India needs now is unity. Indias divisive political culture, in which numerous parties, showing little or no spirit of cooperation, constantly battle each other for regional or national power, that has played a considerable part in allowing terrorism to breed. In India, it is still possible to approach counter-terrorism very casually and allow it to be diverted to byways that lead to dead ends. This is because national security has yet to carve out a worthwhile political constituency for itself. Till 2005, terrorist strikes, except in [the northwestern region of] Jammu and Kashmir, were annual occurrences. After the [July 11, 2006] Mumbai train blasts, they became biannual affairs, and for the past 18 months, they have become quarterly features. Terrorism in India has become a routine occurrence. The suffer-and-forget approach has become a national phenomenon. Politicians are routinely told by opinion pollsters that it does not pay to make anti-terrorism the central plank of any political campaign. The sense of outrage, they are told, is ephemeral and non-enduring. The Taj and Oberoi hotels werent some out-of-the-way lunch homes, they are at the heart of Mumbais social and business life. If it could happen there, or so the chattering classes must feel, it could also happen in the Taj and Oberoi in Delhi, Calcutta and Bangalore. This Mumbai attack has brought terrorism to the doorstep of opinion-makers. India may well recede into its traditional slumber, but there is a strong possibility that it will be jolted into realizing that the country is in the midst of an unconventional war. And that it is time to hit back – â€Å"with both love and bullets. † Terrorism in India free essay sample In August 2008, National Security Advisor M K Narayanan has said that there are as many as 800 terrorist cells operating in the country. [2] India has been accused by the Government of Pakistan of funding, supporting and arming designated anti-state terrorist or militant groups in Pakistan, as well of having direct involvement or links in many terrorist attacks inside the country, throughout multiple occasions in history. [1][self-published source? ] During the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1970s and 1980s, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India was blamed of possible involvement in the planning and execution of several terrorist incidents inside Pakistan to deter Pakistani support of the Afghan liberation movement against Indias ally, the Soviet Union. [1][self-published source? ] In particular, it was believed to have provided assistance to the KGB intelligence agency, which at the time was believed to have a considerable network of terrorist activities inside Pakistani cities. [1] Intelligence reports during the time suggested that several training camps had been simultaneously established in Indian Punjab; t hese camps were accused of providing training to anti-Pakistan elements. We will write a custom essay sample on Terrorism in India or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Several small-scale terrorist incidents that occurred in Pakistani cities such as Peshawar, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi and Sheikhupura during the mid 1990s were attributed to the clandestine activities of the Indian intelligence agency. [1][self-published source? ] The then-Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and many senior ministers within the Pakistani government condemned India for the upsurge of terrorist incidents, as well as for having a hand in sporadic Sunni-Shia sectarian conflicts in the country. 1][self-published source?