Saturday, August 22, 2020

Using the Spanish Verb Venir

Utilizing the Spanish Verb Venir Venir is a typical Spanish action word with an assortment of implications. Luckily, huge numbers of them can be interpreted utilizing the English action word to come, which likewise has various implications. Venir is a cousin of English - vent words, for example, design and community too of setting and venire (a lawful term). Remember that venirâ is conjugated unpredictably, having structures, for example, vengo (I come) and vendrn (they will come). Utilizing Venir To Refer to Coming From a Place Most regularly, venir is utilized to discuss coming to or showing up at a spot: Cuando yo vine a California fui a Disneylandia. (At the point when I came to California, I went to Disneyland.)Venimos en transport con un maestro y pagamos por nuestro transporte. (We dropped by transport with an instructor and paid for our own transportation.)Tenà ­a sã ³lo un aã ±o cuando vino desde Espaã ±a. (He was just a year old when he originated from Spain.) ¡Ven aquã ­! (Come here!)No vienen hasta las 14.30. (They arent coming until 2:30 p.m.) In setting, venir can pass on returning or returning: No vengas a mã ­. (Tã ­tulo de canciã ³n) (Dont return to me. (tune title))Es importante que vengas temprano. (Its significant you return early.) Utilizing Venir To Point Out Qualities Venir can intend to incorporate, to be, or to have, regularly in a way that can be made an interpretation of by to come: El preliminary iPad no viene con webcam. (The first iPad doesnt accompany (incorporate) a webcam.)Estas bicicletas vienen de Surinam. (These bikes are (originate) from Suriname.)El à ºnico que viene con excusas eres tã º. (The one in particular who accompanies (has) pardons is you.)Las servilletas vienen en distintos tamaã ±os. (The napkins come (are) in various sizes.)Viene en caja sellada. (It comes (is) in a fixed box.) Particularly when utilized with bien or mal, venir can be utilized to show reasonableness: No ser muy famoso me viene bien. (Not being acclaimed approves of me.)A ningã ºn paã ­s le viene mal la globalizaciã ³n. (Globalization doesnt serve any nation poorly.)Al libro le venã ­a bien la promociã ³n. (The advancement was useful for the book.) Utilizing Venir With a Gerund Venir can be utilized as a helper action word with the ing word (otherwise called the current participle) to demonstrate a proceeding with activity, regularly in an inexorably extreme way. Hace mucho tiempo que se viene hablando de la necesidad de una nueva constituciã ³n. (The requirement for another constitution has been discussed and discussed for a long time.)El presidente viene sufriendo derrota tras derrota. (The president keeps on enduring destruction after defeat.)El chofer del camiã ³n venã ­a hablando por telã ©fono. (The truck driver continued chatting on a telephone.)â Utilizing Venirse The reflexive structure, venirse, similar to the standard structure, can intend to originate from a spot. In any case, it puts more accentuation on where the thing or individual has originated from. La rumba se vino de Miami. (The rumba originated from Miami. La rumba vino de Miami may be deciphered a similar way, yet making the action word reflexive points out additional Miami, maybe on the grounds that the reality of the sentence might be surprising.)Los turistas se vienen de otros paã ­ses. (The voyagers are originating from different countries.)Necesitaremos agua por quã © nos venimos del desierto. (We will require water since we are originating from the desert.) The reflexive can likewise recommend that the action words activity was abrupt or startling: Time lo primero que se vino a cabeza. (It was the main thing that came to mind.)Otra hipã ³tesis es que el puente se vino abajo por la fragilidad de sus pilares. (Another hypothesis is that the scaffold descended in light of the delicacy of its pillars.)Los vientos se vinieron de un solo golpe. (The breezes came unexpectedly in a solitary blow.) Key Takeaways Venir can as a rule be made an interpretation of as to come, regardless of whether it is utilized to mean originating from a spot or to have a certain quality.Venir can be utilized with ing words to show consistent action.The reflexive venirse can be utilized to underline the beginnings of where somebody is coming from or to underscore the suddenness of an activity.